Sunday, 29 December 2013

Classic to EPMA and Back Again-Part 3

EPMA Back to Classic
Converting an EPMA application back to Classic (well, mostly Classic as we’ll see in a moment), is trivially easy.
Change Properties
In Workspace, go to Administration->Application->Properties.

Change the EDIT_DIM_ENABLED property from false…

…to true, and click Save.

Planning will tell you that you have to restart the Planning service.

Bounce the Planning (or Whatever Is Appropriate) Service
As I am testing this on a development virtual machine, my instance doesn’t have a separate Planning service, rather the combined Oracle Hyperion EPM service. That just means it takes longer for this all-in-one service to restart on my laptop.

Test it Out and Rejoice
Log back in to Workspace, and then go into the Planning application. All is well! In Dimension editor, those highlighted icons inidcate that SampApp1’s dimensions can again be modified through the Classic Planning interface. We’re done. Or are we?

The Bit that Hurts
For those of us with a semi-obsessive (some would say completely overwhelmingly obsessive) turn of mind, we will likely want to go back into EPMA and prove that SampApp1 no longer exists in the Application Library.
Get Used to Disappointment
Uh oh, SampApp1 isn’t supposed to be there. Well, in our very best let’s-tidy-everything-up way, let’s get rid of that EPMA application that we obviously no longer need. Hint – this is a Bad Idea, but go ahead and watch. And laugh.

I’m Not Laughing, Are You?
After deleting the application from EPMA, I find that getting back into SampApp1 is a bit problematic.

What happened? Simply, the change I made to the Planning application to allow editing of dimensions in Classic Planning didn’t really convert the application back to Classic. Instead, it kept the application as an EPMA application that also allowed editing of dimensions through the Classic interface.
I find this sort of inbetween condition confusing—Can I edit the dimensions in EPMA and in Classic? What happens if I do (I am envisioning all kinds of out of sync issues with EPMA taking precedence)? How do I stop admins from doing one or the other? Maybe it was best that I just blew away SampApp1.
Fixing that Whoopsie
Remember how I warned you to do a full LCM backup of Planning and Calculation Manager as well as a data backup via EAS/MaxL? Here’s where you are glad that you listened now that the database and its Calculation Manager rules are gone. Again, this is not an LCM or Essbase stupid trick, so read the documentation on how to restore from LCM and Essbase data backups.
Whew, aren’t you glad you did those backups, and didn’t share my sense of obsessive tidiness?
What Have We Learned?
You most certainly can convert a Classic application to EPMA, and even ignore the EPMA nature of your Planning applications once you set the EDIT_DIM_ENABLED Planning property to true. But we have also seen, somewhat to our sorrow, that this setting doesn’t really back convert a Planning application from EPMA to Classic. Once in EPMA, always in EPMA seems to be the rule. Could you maybe just LCM out the quasi-Classic Planning application, delete the application via EPMA, then reimport the quasi-Classic Planning application? That, gentle reader, I leave up to you.
What I’ve learned from this exercise is:
1.       Firefox is cool, and it works just fine with EPM YMMV based on the release of EPM.
2.       It is possible to experiment with Planning applications in EPMA, but once converted, it’s for life.
3.       Backups, backups, backups.
Thus endeth the stupid tricks for this newsletter.

Be seeing you.