Saturday, 28 December 2013

How do you make Firefox work with EPM

Really, this is kind of a minor one, but oh so cool. How do you make Firefox work with EPM To be charitable, I am not the world’s greatest fan of Internet Explorer. I am, in fact, the world’s greatest fan (or so I like to think) of Firefox. As much of EPM is web-based, how, oh how, to marry the two? What comes out of Firefox doesn’t initially appear to be good news:

Actually, the answer to the “How do I run EPM in Firefox” issue is right there in the dialog box (praise be, an error dialog that actually gives you a hint on how to resolve the error)—Remote XUL Manager. And what, oh what, is Remote XUL? The best answer I’ve found is right in Mozilla’s Developer Network. For those of you too lazy to follow a link, XUL is an XML-based language used to build application interfaces with all of those lovely buttons, menus, dropdowns, etc. Apparently, Oracle EPM uses it. Somewhat alarmingly, Mozilla pulled XUL out of Firefox because of security concerns, but allows whitelisting of sites to enable XUL. What that means for EPM users who want to use Firefox is that the EPM site must be whitelisted. And that is done through the Remote XUL Manager add-on as described above.
Getting, Installing, and Configuring Remote XUL Manager
Note to all: You are about to enter magical Firefox land, where everything Firefoxy is wonderful. You have been warned. But honestly, you might want to give it a try. I cannot say what Chrome is like as I’ve had all of my browser needs met by Firefox. Mozilla-branded rose colored glasses are not required because Firefox is that good.
Getting Geeky with Firefox
Firefox has a handy way of extending tool functionality via add-ons. As Remote XUL Manager is an add-on, all we need to do find it is go to the Firefox menu and click Add-ons.

If you have enabled menus, simply go to Tools->Add-ons:

Once in the Add-ons screen, type “remote xul,” and hit Enter. When Firefox brings up Remote XUL Manager, click on the Install button. Did I mention this was easy?

When that is complete, click on the Options button.

Click on the Add button to add the your EPM domain to the XUL whitelist manager.

Enter the name of your domain. In my case, as this is running on an all-in-one virtual machine, it’s pretty easy, but you should be able to get the domain from the Workspace URL. Once you’ve entered the name, hit the Okay button. You are almost done.

Close the Add-ons tab, and try refreshing your heretofore failed Workspace url. Ta-da! Didn’t I tell you Firefox was Awesome? Oh yeah, I did. But it’s true.

Honestly, does it get any browser sweeter than this? I thought not. That is the very latest version of Firefox (and Mozilla seems to increment release codes every week), with full fledged EPM in the background:

Did I mention Firefox seems to be way faster than Internet Explorer?
Thus endeth the firefox stupid trick. And if you're a Firefox fan, not stupid at all. Check with the EPM Compatability matrix to see what release of Firefox is certified to work with your release of Oracle EPM
Thanks !!!